
Monday, 1 April 2013

Can't shake it...

So I truly can't  seem to shake myself out of this blah mood I've been in...and usually when I get blah I get even more blase about the WW program.  I find myself making excuses (I'm really tired, it's Easter so I have to eat the chocolate - you know the drill).  Usually at this point on my WW journey, I tend to give up.  I just quit and think "I'll start again when things get less crazy".

Here's the thing...it never gets less crazy.  There is always a thousand other things that need my attention, and a hundred reasons why it is easier to grab whatever is handy to eat instead of planning and making good choices.

This is where I really appreciate my WW buddy.  Knowing she keeps going, and has just as crazy a life as me, keeps me at least on the program.  It keeps me going to the meetings, and thinking even a little bit about what I put in my mouth.

Truth be told I skipped weigh-in last week - mostly cause I just didn't have it in me to face the scale knowing it would not be a good number.  This week I'm going back to the meeting and will face the music...and I will do it with my support system in tow.  Here's to keeping the truck moving forward!

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